... because there is NOTHING in your warderobe that you can possibly wear. That nice white cardigan with black dots? Nope, to noticeable. The new pair of high waisted jeans that everyone say lift your ass to new dimensions? No, they make me feel fat. That blue dress with a leatherbelt? Oh no! I can't wear that today. Why? Because I just don't feel like it.
This is a conversation I have with myself a lot of times, what to wear? I know that I actually have a warderobe many would like to get their hands on (a few, including a sister twice my lenght, already tried and occasionally succeeded, resulting in me taking her sweaters and then the war has started). But even though you know that the problem with having nothing to wear, can be compared with having a really bad hairday, you still can't manage to get the feeling that everything you put on is just
wrong out of your head. I've had big problems with changing my outfits a million times, it even went so far that I was bullied for it by my friends. Thats why I decided to change it (so that I wouldn't continue beeing tstressed out and depressed when it came to the thing I love the most, clothes) and I am very proud to say that I've made it! Or at least when it comes to weakdays...
Since I'm such a nice person I'm going to share a few tips and hopefully they will help you too. If you still feel bad about choosing outfits, I suggest therapy.
1. Wear the thing that you first thought of. That outfit is usually the one you later wish you were wearing. At least for me that is the case with most of my morningtrubbles. Or it was when I had those terrible headaches caused by clothes...
2. Look in Vogue, take the first article with outfit suggestions (there always are a lot of styletips if you had not noticed hihi). Then choose a look you want to go for and take the things in your warderobe (or in your mother, father och sisters) and imitate the picture as good as you can. You will definetly look fashionable.
3. Decide your outfit the evening before. Neverever stand in the morning thinking about what to put on. In the mornings we (at least most normal people) are tired and our braincapacity is not on the level it usually is. That's why you should have those problems the evening before...
4. This is my best tip: WEAR BLACK! It is always trendy. About that there is nothing more to say.
Puss Nathalia