I'm always told not to do anything. I've tried being blond but it just made me look as if I had put my head in a bucket of old, greasy and very yellow paint. I've tried to chop my hair of in a "I want to look like a tomboy" kind of way. It didn't work. I looked to much like a boy, and not a very feminine one... I can't wear red lipstick, I tend to look like a clown. I don't want to loose weight, I hate exercising and I'm not that good at making interesting hairstyles. But still, I want a change in my appearance! I guess you all know the feeling, if one could we probably would change our outside (not speaking about clothes here...) every time we see a lovely haircut on someone else. I always feel this way when I have to much boring to think about (read school and weird relationships).
But why am I writing this here. Well...hm... I don't know. But you all seam like very reasonable, cleaver persons and since everybody in my precence thinks I should stay the way I am, can't you be so nice and suggest something fun that I could do with my looks? I would be very grateful!
Puss Nathalia
Ps. I know I look quite dead on this pic, that's because I am. My mind is to occupied by analysis and Christmaspresents. And not just the presents I want..
11 kommentarer:
Is this you above? Your hair is beautiful in that dark brownish-red colour. Just perfect!!! I wouldn't change a thing.
Thanks for your comment on my blog, so glad you like my website and I hope you visit again soon. I try to update a few times a week. :)
Much love, ♥ Fashion CHALET.
Well I believe the greatest of outer changes actually start inside. Really it's amazing how an dramatic inner change someone has made can reflect in their outer appearence! :)
But if you're really looking to have some fun with how you appear, I would do it with clothes! They're great because if you don't like them, just take them off, easy as that! Maybe try a certain style in clothing you've never dared to try before? :)
I agree w/S-C...the first part of her comment :O)
What's true beauty is what's inside. You have a nice personality, I say DON'T change anything... :O)
Okey, if you REALLY want to change sth, i'm def up for a nice bangs à la Rachel Bilson. Salaciously, but gorgeous if you make it the right way. FIKA ONSDAG ELLER TORSDAG?
maybe a haircut of a couple inches would satisfy your desire?
When I wanted a change, I chopped all my hair off and donated it to Locks for Love. That is a drastic change, but definitely one to keep in mind.
Or maybe going shopping and buying somethings that you would have never thought of before...?
Keep us updated!
I adore your hair color. I would straighten it and have it cut in layers but not too many! It makes a haircut more feminine and lovely. I adore bangs on cute girls as well and I must say you are adorable.
BUT First of all I don't want to make you a mini me. Whats important is that your happy with a look. I would defiantly flip around some books and look for some hair cuts tat fit your style. I mean, no one knows you better than you. Just don't play it safe you'll almost always be dissatisfied.
mwah&hearts, China L.
You are so cute. I don't think I'd want to change a thing. But I'm going to suggest bright blue mascara for something different that will make people wonder what is different without usually putting their finger on it.
Maybe you need to experience something new? When you experience something new or go somewhere new you develope yourself, find out new things about yourself and perhaps gets inspiration :)
i have always dreamed about swedish girls...when i feel like a change i switch up what style items i buy. change the dynamic.
aaw.. i thought you looked really cute in that photo. i wouldn't change anything if i were you =)
sorry for being no help at all! but i really think you look adorable!!
This is a tough one, I don't know... mmhh have you tried black hair? (although I love your hair colour).
Maybe you can try to wear some eyeliner and loads of mascara, that will make you look different..
A ponytail? Bangs? More blush?
Let us know what you decided!
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