The blog is very old now... one week to be exact...

And I'm very happy and grateful to all of you who have given an opinion or comment!
Puss Nathalia

Ps. I don't smoke. Just a few times a year. Or so. Only at parties... But I really liked this photo taken for Vogue in 1956 by William Klein.

6 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi there-thanks a lot for stopping by, love this picture! Have a great weekend!

Tuesdai Noelle sa...

Hey :O)

Congrads on the 1 week up, for your blog, that's not old lol. Continue to keep bring lovely fashion for all your viewers :O)
Stay Cool :O)

Penny sa...

i know it's really bad for you, but it does look very chic!!

Noemi Sunshine Ferst sa...

I love William Klein.

Chantelle {fat mum slim} sa...

Happy Birthday bloggy! x

LeWak sa...

Love the photo! Great pick!